Biggest Problems With Probiotics

Posted by Dmitriy Godzin on



Interviewer:    In your opinion, what is the biggest issue with most of the probiotics on the market right now?

Dr. Stern:    Most of the probiotics on the market right now are really targeting CFUs, Colony Forming Units. Where they will say 50 billion, or 100 billion, all research shows that you only need 20 billion to have an effective build.

So that's why in my formula, I made 20 billion. If you do too many, you might over populate one species, and actually create a problem. So you want to stay within the referenced range that's scientifically proven to create good health. 20 billion was the number in the scientific studies that usually shows to be the threshold for where people benefit, so, that's why I kept my formula at 20 billion.

Second thing is, a lot of probiotic supplements will target one or two species, and really promote and pump that one or two species up. But we know in nature we have trillions of good bacteria in our body. So, to really start over loading on one species, it creates an imbalance with the other micro organisms. Because even though they're all good, even though the ones you're taking are good, you still don't want an imbalance between even the good ones, let alone the good and bad.

So, for my probiotic, I put multiple species in there, to make sure that there's a good synergistic blend to help not only the small intestines, but also the large intestines. Because we have two intestinal tracts, so when you're looking for a probiotic supplement, the reason why I like the synergistic blend, is because you want to really affect the whole system.

I have strains that affect the mouth in a positive way, affect the esophagus, small intestines, large intestine, and even the vaginal area, the urinary tract. Al those areas need to be benefited by different bacteria strains. And so I like a good synergistic blend.

And the third thing, for me is, if you look at my formula, I added two other things. Number one is L Glutamine, and number two I put an organic prebiotic in there. Bacteria themselves need to eat. They're alive, the same way that you and I need to eat.

And so, I found that if you put a prebiotic in there, it creates a nourishing benefit to the bacteria, it supports their longevity and it supports their viability for when we take it in a capsule form.

The L Glutamine is critical, because L Glutamine helps repair the intestinal lining. So if you've had a lot of inflammation that's why you're reaching for a probiotic, because you have digestive issues. Probiotics are great for our immune system function and so many other things. But if one of the reasons why you're reaching for a probiotic is for digestive issues, if your intestinal wall is unhealthy, you're going to have a difficult time taking those bacteria and having them actually attach and to create a good colony to live there. It needs an environment to be functional. So, the L Glutamine helps support the intestinal lining. So as you're reinoculating yourself with the good bacteria, the L Glutamine is also supporting the healing of the intestinal tissue to make them more viable and more optimally functional.

Interviewer:    Very holistic.

Dr. Stern:    Yeah. And in all my formulas, I'm looking at the big and small picture. Obviously someone who wants a probiotic, here's an amazing, scientifically researched species that will definitely help give you what you're looking for. But, without them even knowing, I'm going to also give you a prebiotic that makes sure that they're nourished, and I'm going to give you L Glutamine to make sure that your intestinal wall is healthy. When someone's shopping for a probiotic, they're not looking for L Glutamine, they're not even thinking about it. But I'm aware of it, so I put it in the formula.